Monday, July 6, 2009

Florida Plants

This is a black eye susan.

How to be fast and green with your car

Ever wanted to save gas? How about gain power? How about both? If you do this post is for you.

The best way to do both is to install a supercharger they are well known in racing for greatly increasing power but what most don't know is that they can increase gas mileage. They do this by increasing the air to fuel ratio. When you have more air you use less fuel and it burns hotter.

For the muscle car person a supercharger gives better acceleration and more horsepower. For the average person trying to save money superchargers will save gas on the highway. The increase mostly depends your driving habits and if you drive on the highway or through city streets.If you don't drive with a lead foot and you drive on the highway a supercharger is definitely for you.

Ever wonder if you should buy a turbocharger or a supercharger Well here are a few tips A turbocharger has to cool down for at least 30 seconds when done driving before turning the car off.A turbocharger has more lag ( the time between pressing the gas and acceleration ) because it compresses air from the exhaust system so the air has to get there.To install a turbocharger you have to make a major engine modification but for a supercharger you can install it on the side or the top of the engine with little to no modification.Remember to check back for more tips.


Free cell phone with free minutes each month

No Cost Health Insurance for Children (Flordia Kid Care)


Food Stamps

No Cost College Education.

Free Tax Help

Unemployment Benefits not fully Taxable due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Act or (ARRA). Your first 2,400.00 0r 4,800.00 if joint and both not working, well not taxable for the year 2009.


(Free Discount Prescription Card) In Sarasota Florida and Five Other Counties
from Coast to Coast.

Drug companies like Pfizer have FREE medications if you are unemployed and been on the medications for over 3 months. With each medication, the income criteria varies from below the poverty level up to $41,000 for Individuals, $56,000 for couples, and as high as $84,000 for a family of four.

Real-Estate Loan Modification

Homeowners who are having trouble making their monthly mortgage payments may be able to

get some relief by modifying the terms of their loans. But borrowers may have a difficult time

determining if they qualify for these programs.

FICO, has unveiled a Web to help these homeowners.

Candidates for a loan modification well see an on screen message telling them to stand by for a


Almost any plant will grow if planted in the right area. You can reduce your water use with these plants because they are Florida friendly.

Maypop Pickerelwee
PorterweedRed Bay

Sea GrapeSensitive

VerbenaTropical SageWalter’

ViburnumWater hyssop

Wild Cott
Wild Lime

Wild Petunia Yaupon

Holly Alligator

FlagBeach FlagBeach




Canna LilyCoontie

Coral BeanFalse



ClubLongleaf Pine

Tornado's & Storm Chasing

I have always loved studying the weather and dreamed of chasing tornadoes. However I never had the opportunity to go to college, or become a meteorologist. But in some ways I have felt like a storm chaser just by the places where I have lived.
For instance I lived in Xenia, Ohio on April 3, 1974 when a monstrous F-5 super tornado hit. Even today you will still here about it every spring on the Weather Channel. Experts have estimated the wind speeds exceeding 300 miles per hour. It was a experience seeing it form in the sky. Early in the stage of developing I was able to see three funnel clouds joining together just like a mother would be putting her arms around and reaching out for her children this happen several times before finally becoming one huge tornado then touching down.
While living in Ohio, I got to see the huge blizzard in 1978, I also saw the bone chilling record of30 degrees below zero in 1980.
There was even a earthquake in July 1980.
What experiences!My family and I moved to Florida in 2004 just prior to the 4 hurricane's that struck setting a record. I have found that by watching the Weather Channel I have been able to follow and prepare for each storm, which seem to last all summer that year.
Since 2006-2009 Sarasota Florida has been in a Drought by my figures we are 44 inches behind.
I would like to fulfill my dreams some day and go to the mid-west and chase tornadoes, maybe someday it well happen.